Food Fighters were one of the last sets of toys I had as a kid. I remember visiting our cousin in Pennsylvania and he had a few of the action figures. For whatever childhood reason, we decided that they were the new coolest thing ever. Looking back on them after many years makes me realize how freakish some of them really were.

For example, check out the chicken wing above (Lieutenant Legg). That's a really freaky face he's got. Also pictured above is Sgt. Scoop and Private Pizza. Sgt. Scoop was my favorite of the food fighters and I honestly don't remember why. I think it was the first one I got.
Some great bad guy names were Mean Weener and Taco Terror. After reading all the names on the wikipedia entry, I realized that the good guys were ranking officers of some culinary branch of the military, while the bad guys were street level gangsters. I'm not sure how the two got pitted together, but then again, if that's the only fact error we're concerning ourselves with, we've got bigger problems.
I find it very odd that the toys' arms and legs were normal, human-looking appendages. As with many other toys on the 80's, it prompts me to wonder if Food Fighters weren't just the marriage of two factory fuck ups. Shit, these rubber food dolls came out with gruesome faces. Damn, these army men arms and legs are too small for the Rambo action figures. What if...?
Through some random act of luck, our Mom let us buy ALL of the Food Fighters and their vehicles.

This transport unit was called the Combat Carton. It could fit a bunch of the good guys as they rode off to battle the bad guys. But look out above! The fry chopper might drop ketchup bombs all over that shit!

I think the most amusing of them all was the french fry guy, "Fat Fry."

Did these toys make sense? Absolutely not. Were they cool? Debatable. Did we have a hell of a lot of fun with them? Heck yes!