Michael Jackson was easily THE coolest pop star in the 80's, especially for a kid under 10. Naturally, we wanted to accessorize ourselves in a similar fashion to the yet to be self proclaimed king of pop (prince of pop?). When we found out that Toys R Us had a sequin glove for sale, we flipped out. Obtaining said glove became the utmost priority in our lives, way higher than acquiring Lik-m-aid or finishing that game of tether ball. I remember going to the store and finding it on the shelf. Immediately, something didn't seem right. We could see into the plastic package enough to realize it contained a white glove and a small bag of sequins. I don't remember if it actually came with glue.
We realized that the so called Michael Jackson sequin glove was just a re-packaged craft kit, not a finished product. Not wanting to have to work with glue, sequins, and two sure to be disappointed children, our Mom somehow talked us out of buying it. I don't know why we couldn't have just gone to the Craft World and bought two cotton gloves, some glue, and a bag of silver sequins instead, but we didn't. There was no glove, and thus no real moon walking going on in our family room that night. A real part of me grew up that day.
I actually got a finished glove, but it didn't have actual sequins. It had silver threads woven into it. The effect was actually pretty cool, but I discovered that wiping one's eyes with a glove that had Brillo fibers in it was not a good idea.